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产 品: USB插座主要简答/USB母座重点分析/USB插孔注意分析 
单 价: 面议 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2016-06-29  有效期至:长期有效

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Dongguan Ruifeng electronic switch factory was established in June 1991, headquarters in Taiwan and in Dongguan, China investment to build two factories, main products are self-locking switch, tact switch, toggle switch, headphone jack, USB socket and button switch, button switch, DC socket, micro switch, a detection switch straight key switches, LED light touch switch, waterproof touch of a button switch, rocker switch, door lock switch, vibration switch, mechanical keyboard switch, swing switch, is also active in the development a variety of sophisticated products, to meet the needs of our customers. Because the performance of rapid growth
The growth of Ruifeng electronic switch power comes to consciousness and responsibility to customers ", we know that only quality products to establish the enterprise just has the possibility of sustainable development, on this basis, our vision is" to become the leader in the manufacturer of precision components. And every year to launch at least 6 new products to meet the needs of customers, by the end of 2002 has into fully automated assembly and test equipment, in terms of quality have greatly improved. Through investment in the market trend of sensitivity, and new equipment, with the world trend of convergence, and continuous design innovation, R & D leading the trend of the market of electronic switch products to meet customer demand. More to the world's citizens of the macro, the use of non-toxic materials and design and packaging, the achievement of love the earth's environmental philosophy.
Looking to the future, Taiwan Ruifeng electronic switch to the limits of self challenge all kinds of precision products, through a variety of achievements in the research and experiments, our products are widely used in a variety of end products, and the world together towards prosperity and progress in the future.
1 compliance with environmental regulations. 2 to promote the concept of environmental protection, continue to promote the industrial waste reduction, the implementation of waste recycling. 3 improve the efficiency of resource use. 4 to prevent the impact of accidents on the environment. 5 of employees, suppliers and contractors propaganda environmental philosophy. Http://www.switchsmt.com/
瑞丰电子开关成长的动力来自于”自觉与对客户的责任”,我们深知只有产品品质的确立企业才有永续发展的可能,在此基础下,我们的愿景是”成为在精密零件製造商中的领导者”.并且每年以推出至少6种以上的新产品来满足客户,2002年底起,已导入全自动化组装与检验设备,在质量方面有很大的提升. 经由对于市场趋势的敏锐度及新设备的投资,与世界潮流接轨,并且不断的设计创新,研发引领市场潮流的电子开关产品来满足客户的需求。更以世界公民的宏观,使用无毒材质与设计与包装,成就爱地球的环保理念。 
1. 符合环保法规之要求。2. 推广环保理念,持续推动工业减废,落实废弃物再利用。3. 提高能资源使用效率。4. 预防意外事件对环境可能产生之衝击。5. 持续对员工、供应商及承包商等宣达环境理念。 http://www.switchsmt.com/
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  • 联系人:黎小姐(先生)
  • 职位:销售部(经理)
  • 电话:0769-82055128
  • 邮件:okswitch@163.com
  • 手机:13751237828
  • 传真:0769-83656088
  • 地址:广东省东莞黄江镇合路工业区
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